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Punta Gorda

Day 4: We woke up early, packed together all our things, and left the cabana at about 7:00 for the bus station. We were running a little late, and at the ter...

Life of Jesus Christ Gallery

A gallery of high-resolution, HD and 4k artwork depicting the life of Jesus Christ. Available as a gallery, zip archive, and Windows 7 and 8 Themepack.

Dangriga and Cockscomb Jaguar Reserve

Day 2: On our first day in Dangriga we decided to take it easy. We slept in our cabana until about 10am. The sound of the surf and the cool breeze made it e...

Landing and Getting to Dangriga

First off, I apologize to the blogosphere (and a million times over to Bradford) for those of you who have been gripping the edges of your seats waiting to h...