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A Quick and Easy Python Tutorial

This is a translation from a 90 minute class I held on the basics of Python scripting. A download link for the PowerPoint .pptx file is at the bottom of the ...


Returning to the United States was bittersweet; it was good to be home, but sad to leave the beautiful country we had grown to love.

Henry Ossawa Tanner

While I was searching for artwork for my Every 6 project (and, indirectly, my Life of Christ wallpaper pack), I stumbled across the works of Henry Ossawa Tan...

Gustave Doré

I recently discovered Gustave Doré’s art and love his style. There is something about late 19th century art that I love.

Alberta Rockies and Banff Lakes

Winding our way northward, we finally entered the Alberta Canadian Rockies where we rode in the shadow of colossal snow-capped peaks and stopped at the shore...