A $173.40 Toothbrush and More Server Shenanigans!
I went to the dentist today for the first time in over 3 years. I know, and I’m a bad flosser too. Since I don’t have dental insurance, the cost for the clea...
I went to the dentist today for the first time in over 3 years. I know, and I’m a bad flosser too. Since I don’t have dental insurance, the cost for the clea...
Back in October 2008 I got an email from AirfareWatchdog.com (great service, I highly recommend it) alerting me to amazing prices to Belize from Salt Lake Ci...
I got the Beta of Windows 7 the other day, and after hearing reports that Windows 7 is more netbook friendly, I decided to try it out. I’m installing it on m...
Hello blog, I’m back, and you have a new address, bradford.law-family.org. OK?
I have been in the market for a netbook ever since Asus announced their ≈$200 laptop EEEPC way back, which started a major trend. And now that Asus has relea...