This write-up is a product of my quest to self-host Bitwarden on a free-tier cloud product. Following these instructions, you should have a product that provides you a self-hosted Bitwarden password manager with all the benefits of running it in the cloud. *The only way this might not be free is if you exceed the 1GB egress or have any egress to China or Australia. In this guide I talk about best practices in avoiding this kind of traffic to keep this as free as possible. The end product is a Github repo (link below). The found in that repo should be enough to get going if you’re not new to projects like this, whereas the text below has a bit more detail if you need it.

Github Repository for bitwarden_gcloud

Update May 2021 I implemented a backup solution, check out Configure Bitwarden Backups for details.

Update July 2020 I added a new script and section for rebooting the host vm when updates have been made to the OS, ensuring that the host system stays patched and secure against n-day vulnerabilities.

Update June 2020 I added fail2ban to block brute-force attacks on the webvault and country-wide blocking to avoid egress charges to China and Australia, or to block other countries that you might want. I added countryblock to block entire countries, and I also added a watchtower container as suggested by this comment, thanks ldw.

Update May 2020 Originally I used a home-grown dynamic dns script for Cloudflare, but it won’t be as well supported as ddclient, so I swapped out my script for linuxserver’s ddclient container. My original Cloudflare DDNS script can be found here.

I’ve been meaning to self-host Bitwarden for some time. If you don’t know about Bitwarden, it’s a password manager that’s open source and allows you to host it yourself! Now my encrypted password data is even more in my control. While I have a home server, I want to limit its exposure to the public Internet. Any service you expose to the Internet can become a pivot point to the rest of your internal network.

I saw that Google Cloud offers an ‘always free’ tier of their Compute Engine. Will one shared core and 614 MB of memory be enough for Bitwarden? According to the system requirements Bitwarden requires 2GB of RAM, but reports in its Github issue tracker say that even that is not enough. I went through the trouble of trying it out anyway and it failed spectacularly, the install script couldn’t even finish. There is, however, a lightweight alternative: Bitwarden RS. It’s written in Rust and an ideal candidate for a micro instance.


  • Bitwarden self-hosted
  • Automatic https certificate management through Caddy 2 proxy
  • Dynamic DNS updates through ddclient
  • Blocking brute-force attempts with fail2ban
  • Country-wide blocking through iptables and ipset
  • Container images kept up-to-date with watchtower


Before you start, ensure you have the following:

  1. A Google Cloud account with billing set up (so they can bill you if you use their non-free services)
  2. A DNS provider that is supported by ddclient for dynamic dns support; a list of supported DNS services can be seen here Note: not all DDNS providers are supported by LetsEncrypt, YMMV

Step 1: Set up a new VM

At the time or writing this, Google offers one free Google Compute Engine f1-micro instance with the following specifications:

* Region: 
 * Oregon: us-west1
 * Iowa: us-central1
 * South Carolina: us-east1
* 30 GB-months HDD
* 5 GB-month snapshot storage in the following regions:
 * Oregon: us-west1
 * Iowa: us-central1
 * South Carolina: us-east1
 * Taiwan: asia-east1
 * Belgium: europe-west1
* 1 GB network egress from North America to all region destinations (excluding China and Australia) per month

To get started, go to Google Compute Engine (after doing all the necessary setup of creating a project, and providing billing info if necessary - don’t worry, this will cost exactly $0.00 each month if done correctly) and open a Cloud Shell. You can create the instance manually, but the Cloud Shell makes everything easier. In the Cloud Shell (a small icon in the upper right corner of your Google Cloud console), the following command will build the properly spec’d machine:

$ gcloud compute instances create bitwarden \
    --machine-type f1-micro \
    --zone us-central1-a \
    --image-project cos-cloud \
    --image-family cos-stable \
    --boot-disk-size=30GB \
    --tags http-server,https-server \
    --scopes compute-rw

You can change the zone if you’d like, however only some have the f1-micro machine-type available. The tags open up the firewall HTTP and HTTPS (HTTP is required later). I’m using the maximum free HDD because apparently I get higher IOPS and it will allow me to maximize the amount of encrypted attachments I can have on this.

I am using the stable Container Optimized OS (COS) for several reasons, primarily:

  1. It’s optimized for Docker containers - less overhead to consume RAM
  2. It’s secure by default - security updates are automatically installed and security is locked down by default

CoreOS was also a contender but it used more memory at idle in my limited testing.

Important: Close the Cloud Shell and continue into into the vm instance SSH shell by selecting it in the Google Cloud Console and clicking the SSH button.

Step 2: Pull and Configure Project

Enter a SSH shell on the new vm instance by clicking the instance’s SSH button. Once you’re in the new shell, clone this repo in your home directory:

$ cd
$ git clone
$ cd bitwarden_gcloud

Before you can start everything up, you need to set up the docker-compose alias by running the utilities/ script (you can read more about why this is necessary here). The script just writes the alias to ~/.bash_alias and includes it in ~/.bashrc:

$ sh utilities/
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.25.5, build 8a1c60f

.env file

I provide .env.template which should be copied to .env and filled out. Most of your configuration is done in .env and is self-documented. This file is a collection of environmental variables that are read by docker-compose and passed into their respective containers.

Configure Bitwarden Backups (optional)

There is rudimentary support for backups provided by default and configured for the most part in the .env file. Look for the Bitwarden Backup Options section.

When enabled, backup will run on a regular interval (daily at midnight by default) and keep 30 days (default) of backups in the bitwarden/backups directory. The script will back up the following resources (based on this documentation):

  • db.sqlite3 - encrypted database
  • bitwarden/attachments - attachments directory
  • bitwarden/sends - sends directory
  • config.json - file with configuration settings (if it exists)
  • rsa_key* - keys for logged in users

There are three backup methods:

  1. local - backup to the local directory only on the designated interval. You may want to use this if you have your own backup method in mind to synchronize bitwarden/backups
  2. email - email the latest backup
  3. rclone - synchronize the entire backup directory to a cloud storage service

Bitwarden Local Backups

This is the simplest method and will just maintain a directory of backups and optionally email you when the job is complete.

Bitwarden Email Backups

This backup method uses the SMTP settings provided to Bitwarden, so ensure that those variables are populated with correct values. The email default values provide a daily gzipped backup to your e-mail. This backs up the attachments and sends folders, so it could get quite large and may not be suitable for users who use attachments and sends.

Bitwarden Rclone Backups

This method is more powerful and a better option for users with large backups. To configure rclone, either provide a working configuration file at bitwarden/rclone.conf or create one using the following command from your gcloud shell while bitwarden is running:

sudo docker exec -it bitwarden ash -c 'rclone config --config $BACKUP_RCLONE_CONF'

Follow the instructions at Rclone Remote Setup. Rclone will guide you through the configuration steps. You will likely need to download rclone on a host with a gui, however rclone does not require installation so this step is easier than it sounds.

Testing Backup

Your backup should run at the next cron job, however you may test it from the Google cloud shell with the following command, replacing <local|email|rclone> with the backup method you would like to test:

sudo docker exec -it bitwarden ash / <local|email|rclone>

Look at the log files if you run into issues, and ensure that the appropriate environmental variables are set correctly

Configure fail2ban (optional)

fail2ban stops brute-force attempts at your vault. It will ban an ip address for a length of time (6 hours by default in this configuration) after a number of attempts (5). You may change these options in the file fail2ban/jail.d/jail.local:

bantime = 6h <- how long to enforce the ip ban
maxretry = 5  <- number of times to retry until a ban occurs

This will work out of the box - no fail2ban configuration is needed unless you want e-mail alerts of bans. To enable this, enter the SMTP settings in .env, and follow the instructions in fail2ban/jail.d/jail.local by uncommenting and entering destemail and sender and uncommenting the action_mwl action in the bitwarden and bitwarden-admin jails in the same file.

Configure Country-wide Blocking (optional)

The countryblock container will block ip addresses from countries specified in .env under COUNTRIES. China, Hong Kong, and Australia (CN, HK, AU) are blocked by default because Google Cloud will charge egress to those countries under the free tier. You may add any country you like to that list, or clear it out entirely if you don’t want to block those countries. Be aware, however, you’ll probably be charged for any traffic to those countries, even from bots or crawlers.

This country-wide blocklist will be updated daily at midnight, but you can change the COUNTRYBLOCK_SCHEDULE variable in .env to suit your needs.

These block-lists are pulled from on each update.

Configure Automatic Rebooting After Updates (optional)

Container-Optimized OS will automatically update itself, but the update will only be applied after a reboot. In order to ensure that you are using the most current operating system software, you can set a boot script that waits until an update has been applied to schedule a reboot.

Before you start, ensure you have compute-rw scope for your bitwarden compute vm. If you used the gcloud command above, it includes that scope. If not, go to your Google Cloud console and edit the “Cloud API access scopes” to have “Compute Engine” show “Read Write”. You need to shut down your compute vm in order to change this.

Modify Reboot Script

Before adding the startup script to Google metadata, modify the script to set your local timezone and the time to schedule reboots: set the TZ= and TIME= variables in utilities/ By default the script will schedule reboots for 06:00 UTC.

Add Startup Script to Metadata

From within your compute vm console, type the command toolbox. This command will download the latest toolbox container if necessary and then drop you into a shell that has the gcloud tool you need to use. Whenever you’re in toolbox, typing the exit command will return you to your compute vm.

From within toolbox, find the utilities folder within bitwarden_gcloud. toolbox mounts the host filesystem under /media/root, so go there to find the folder. It will likely be in /media/root/home/<google account name>/bitwarden_gcloud/utilities - cd to that folder.

Next, use gcloud to add the script to your vm’s boot script metadata with the add-metadata command:

gcloud compute instances add-metadata <instance> --metadata-from-file 

If you have forgotten your instance name, look at the Google Cloud Compute console or find it with the toolbox/gcloud command # gcloud compute instances list

Confirm Startup Script

You can confirm that your startup script has been added in your instance details under “Custom metadata” on the Compute Engine Console.

Next, restart your vm with the command $ sudo reboot. Once your vm has rebooted, you can confirm that the startup script was run with the command:

$ sudo journalctl -u google-startup-scripts.service

You should see something like these lines in the log:

-- Reboot --
Jul 16 18:44:10 bitwarden systemd[1]: Starting Google Compute Engine Startup Scripts...
Jul 16 18:44:10 bitwarden startup-script[388]: INFO Starting startup scripts.
Jul 16 18:44:10 bitwarden startup-script[388]: INFO Found startup-script in metadata.

Now the script will wait until a reboot is pending and then schedule a reboot for the time configured in the script.

If necessary you can run the startup script manually with the command $ sudo google_metadata_script_runner --script-type startup --debug, and get the status of automatic updates with the command $ sudo update_engine_client --status.

Step 3: Start Services with docker-compose

Use docker-compose to get the containers started:

$ docker-compose up

Normally, you’d include a -d, as in $ docker-compose up -d, however the first time is nice to see the initial startup. You should see the caddy service attempt to use ACME to auto-negotiate a Let’s Encrypt SSL cert, for example. It will fail because you don’t have DNS properly set up yet, which is fine. It will keep trying.

If you need to open another SSH session to continue, do that from the Google Cloud Console.

Step 4: Configure Dynamic DNS

DDNS is optional in the sense that you can manually set your DNS record to your ephemeral address, but I don’t know how often Google gives you a new address. Furthermore, LetsEncrypt has a problem with some DDNS providers, so having a real DNS provider like Cloudflare, etc, may be necessary.

Google charges for static IPs, but their ephemeral IPs are free.

Before you can get an SSL cert issued by Caddy/LetsEncrypt, you need a DNS record that points to your Google Cloud vm. You’ll notice in your logs that Caddy/LetsEncrypt will keep trying with the ACME protocol.

Dynamic DNS is supported using ddclient through the ddclient docker container. The ddclient container provides a configuration file at ddns/ddclient.conf that you must edit to work with your particular DNS provider. Their GitHub repo here contains documentation on configuring ddclient and the ddclient.conf file.

Note: ddclient.conf is placed in the ddns/ directory by the ddns container when it is run the first time, and any changes made to this configuration file will automatically be read in by the ddns container, no need to stop and start the container; you will see this shown in the logs.

Cloudflare Instructions

Since I use Cloudflare, I can provide more detail about this step. For other DNS providers, you’re on your own but the documentation for ddclient is pretty helpful.

Edit ddns/ddclient.conf and add the following lines:

use=web,, web-skip='IP Address' # found after IP Address
zone=<your cloudflare site / base URL / e.g.>
login=<your e-mail>
<your bitwarden site subdomain / e.g.>

Newer commits to ddclient support API tokens which are a better choice than a global key, but those commits haven’t made their way into a full ddclient release, so they haven’t been pulled into the container.

Step 5: Start Using Bitwarden

If everything is running properly (the logs will tell you when it isn’t), you can use your browser to visit the address that points to your new Google Cloud Bitwarden vm and start using Bitwarden! Depending on which bootstrapping method you chose in .env (whether you use the /admin page or have open sign-up enabled), you can create your new account and get going!


If you run into issues, such as containers not starting, the following commands will be helpful:

  1. docker ps - this will show what containers are running, or if one of them has failed
  2. docker-compose logs <container name> - this will show the recent logs for the container name (or all containerse if you omit the name) and is very useful in troubleshooting


You should now have a free self-hosted instance of Bitwarden that survives server reboots with an OS that gets timely security patches automatically.

There’s plenty of tweaking and optimization possible, feel free to make this yours. There were many resources that I used to build this guide, many of them listed below. Feel free to comment with any optimizations or issues that you run across.




Thanks for the guide, I followed your project from beginning, even before you introduced ddclient. It works perfectly for me. Thanks for it. I have 2 feedbacks, one is on the script, I had to make some changes for it to work for me. the other one is I added a new container to the project, so that the images can be updated automatically. but this is really up to personal preference. some people may not like it that way.

Changes I have made are pasted below:

ldw_eee@instance-2:~/bitwarden_gcloud$ git diff utilities/ 
diff --git a/utilities/ b/utilities/
index 13afdf6..3f71e75 100644
--- a/utilities/
+++ b/utilities/
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env sh
 # Write the docker-compose alias to ~/.bash_alias
-ALIAS=$'alias docker-compose=\'docker run --rm \
+ALIAS="alias docker-compose='docker run --rm \
     -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
     -v "$PWD:$PWD" \
     -w="$PWD" \
-    docker/compose\''
-echo -e "$ALIAS" >> ~/.bash_alias
+    docker/compose'"
+echo "$ALIAS" >> ~/.bash_alias
 # Include ~/.bash_alias in ~/.bashrc
 ALIAS_INCLUDE='if [[ -f ~/.bash_alias ]] ; then \n    . ~/.bash_alias \nfi'
-echo -e "$ALIAS_INCLUDE" >> ~/.bashrc
+echo "$ALIAS_INCLUDE" >> ~/.bashrc
 . ~/.bashrc
    # Watchtower will pull down your new image, gracefully shut down your existing container 
    # and restart it with the same options that were used when it was deployed initially
    image: containrrr/watchtower
    restart: always
    container_name: watchtower
    - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    - TZ
    - WATCHTOWER_SCHEDULE=0 0 3 ? * 1
    - fail2ban

Thanks for the feedback. I rolled your watchtower suggestion into my latest revision, I think it’s a great addition considering how long these services will be running - having regular updates will help keep them secure without any intervention.


Is ddclient automatically installed when I clone the repo because it doesn’t seem to be working at the moment. When I try to use any ddclient commands, i.e sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet, it returns command not found.


ddclient is in the container. Start it up and then you edit ddns/ddclient.conf and the changes will be automatically applied. $ docker logs ddns will show you the logs if you’re having trouble.


I’m stuck on #env-file . Not sure what you mean by copy to .env with the .env file once it’s edited. It also appears to not have cloned over - perhaps this is by design.

I really appreciate your work with this steps but it looks to be a bit ahead of my current skillset. Perhaps I’ll come back when my skills are more upgraded.


The repository provides a .env.template file that you are supposed to copy to .env and then complete/fill out as it directs you. A file with a name that’s prefixed with a . are hidden, so use the command ls -a to see hidden files.


Hi, I followed all your steps to the letter, including the ddclient where I am getting ddns working like a charm. The only problem, when I try to access Bitwarden via http or https, I go nowhere. I have tried by FQDN or by IP. Same results. What am I doing wrong? or what step am I missing? Thanks.


I would check your logs - try docker ps -a to see a list of the running docker containers, and then docker logs <container name> to view the logs for that container. I would suspect that the caddy/proxy and Bitwarden containers would be the issue.


Actually I kept troubleshooting it all day yesterday and got it to work. Somehow I was missing the “Domain=” entry in the .env file. I just filled it up and i had to “docker-compose up -d” to activate it.
The only problem I have now is I am not able to get SMTP working. I have tried to use Google SMTP –> No dice. I even tried another SMTP relay –> Still no dice.

Can you please gives details about the 4-5 fields. Especially the “SMTP_PORT=” and “SMTP_SSL=” fields. What is the difference between them? Am I supposed to put a port in each or what exactly? Which port? I am mainly confused about those 2 entries. I am using port 587. Should I put it in both those variables? Thanks in advance.


I should improve the comment for the SMTP fields in the .env.template file. Gmail settings are here. Here’s some details for each field:

SMTP_HOST=<smtp address for provider, e.g.>
SMTP_FROM=<your from email address>
SMTP_PORT=<port number for gmail smtp server, e.g. 587>
SMTP_SSL=<boolean for whether the server supports SSL, e.g. true>
SMTP_USERNAME=<username to login to smtp server, e.g. [email protected]>
SMTP_PASSWORD=<password to login to smtp server, e.g. $3cur3p@$$w0rd>

Thanks. Working like a charm. I have been using Google SMTP in other places for years. Somehow the docker container was not accepting port 465, even after setting “SMTP_SSL=true”. As soon as I switched to 587, I started to receive emails. So myabe worth mentioning it for anyone who wants to use Gmail SMTP to integrate it with your configuration.


I ran into something similar that could be similar to your situation. Check your VM details under the Firewalls section and ensure Allow HTTP and HTTPS are checked. Otherwise stop and edit those settings.

For some reason the network tags as suggested didn’t seem to apply these changes.


I had the same issue as Canh, HTTP(S) not being allowed. For those of you that want to check, here’s where that’s located (found in the Google Cloud help docs):

If you already have existing default-http and default-https firewall rules, you can apply the firewall rule to existing instances by enabling the Allow HTTP or Allow HTTPS options on the instance’s details page.

  1. Go to the VM instances page.
  2. Click the name of the desired instance.
  3. Click Edit button at the top of the page.
  4. Scroll down to the Firewalls section.
  5. Check the Allow HTTP or Allow HTTPS options under your desired VPC network.
  6. Click Save. Note that saving took a minute or so, so don’t get impatient.

Yes Andrew, the docker-compose and environmental variables in .env should be all you need, just ignore the Google Cloud specific settings. You may need to substitute them for the appropriate AWS/etc steps though. If you do get it going on AWS, drop a note here or a pull request.


I am editing “fail2ban/jail.d/jail.local”, but the changes do not seem to be picked up. I even did “docker restart ". I even did "docker-compose up -d --build". I even rebooted my server.

$ docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 0b69e1b49b5d docker/compose “sh /usr/local/bin/d…” 2 hours ago Up 2 hours bold_varahamihira ccfc26f73dad bitwardenrs/server:alpine “/” 3 hours ago Up 2 hours (healthy) 80/tcp, 3012/tcp bitwarden c288cbe874dd crazymax/fail2ban:latest “/ fail…” 23 hours ago Up 2 hours (healthy) fail2ban

As you could see, “docker ps” shows that it was restarted 2 hours ago, but it was created 23 hours ago. I guess i need to re-create it for the changes to get picked up.

What am I doing wrong?



Hi, I love this project, thanks for all the time you put in to document everything!

I was wondering if you’d considered building in a backup system to automate encrypted database backups that could be sent offsite, perhaps via email. This could be helpful in scenarios where the owner forgets, or is unable to backup through the bitwarden web interface, or the server is lost or deleted, etc


That’s very strange. I have been running since this was published with nothing like that happening. Before you try to fix it, it might be a good idea to clone your vm disk so that you can restore it if necessary.

After that, I would try stopping it and starting it again. Look at the “Serial port 1 (console)” logs to see if you see any indication of what might be going wrong with it.

If you sync Bitwarden to an app or a browser extension, you might still be able to export the data since it caches it. I tested with mine after unplugging from the network, the Chrome Bitwarden extension allowed me to authenticate and export a .json backup of my passwords. Good luck.


This has been working great for over a month. Today it became unresponsive and timing out. I checked the console and the VM was still running, SSH was unable to connect. I ended up having to “Stop” the machine.

On restart it’s now been bouncing off 100%+ CPU for over an hour, SSH is still not available (although it doesn’t timeout or fail). The URL times out and bitwarden is unable to connect to the server.

Any ideas what it’s doing and how I can get in?

Unfortunately, as it wasn’t specified in the guide I hadn’t got round to ‘backing-up’ my bitwarden data…..


I had exactly the same problem. Restarting the VM did not even allow to SSH. I did manage to get the machine working again after removing the startup-script. But then bitwarden was not accesible via web or app.

I also tried “docker-compose down” followed by “docker-compose up”, with the “up” command failing on the “proxy” service.

After I tried your solution (“sudo reboot” followed by the “down” and then “up” command) my bitwarden service was successful restored as well.

I did not try to add the startup-script.


Thanks for the reply.

This morning CPU usage was back to normal. SSH was available. I tared the bitward_gcloud folder and downloaded it, then I cloned the disc as you suggested.

Then I did “docker-compose down” followed by “docker-compose up”, the “up” command failed on the “proxy” service, complaining the port was already in use by another container.

“sudo reboot” followed by the “down” and then “up” command resulted in a successful restoration of service.

Very strange.

I’m not sure I understand the workflow of the OS update system. When checking status I get:


Does that make sense and is it normal?


Changing ddclient image to fixes the ‘line 3’ error


Thanks a lot for the guide.

I am also using cloudflare, with the config copied from your post and replacing with my domain’s info, something like,

use=web,, web-skip=’IP Address’ # found after IP Address protocol=cloudflare zone= ttl=0 login= password=

But I constantly get the following error, file /var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache, line 3: Invalid Value for keyword 'ip' = '' And the ip in cloudflare will not be updated. Is there something wrong with my settings? Thanks again.

Thanks for your guidance. Is it possible? please elaborate this mechanism for duckdns DDNS. As cloudflare & letenscrypt very picky to run their services for frenom domains (*.tk, ml, ga, cf). if buying of new domain prevented by using duckdns free service. It will help many people. I am newbie in docker & till my reading this thing possible & we can change caddyfile »tls {$EMAIL}» tls duckdns {Duckdns API}. We are using standard caddy docker image but for this we have to add plugin based on duckdns in image. As some great person do it for dedicated to cloudflare. First portion Dockerfile (Caddy Builder) is going above my head. thanks


I have received ssl certificates from zero ssl. So now I have two big numbers files (cert.pem & key.pem) each file having about 1000 random characters. So now I want to add my manual certificate into our cady container. Basically I am going to move to caddy file “tls {$SSLCERTIFICATE} {$SSLKEY}” instead of tls {$EMAIL}. What is the best practice to add my custom certificate to system. What you suggest can I declare two variable in .env $SSLCERTIFICATE & $SSLKEY & put there value directly on .env file Or create two files cert.pem & key.pem & I will save these file in caddy/data folder directly. Then I will hash out email in caddy file & activate custom certificate option

of tls {$EMAIL}

tls caddy/data/cert.pem caddy/data/key.pem


Thanks a lot for your write-up! I too use Cloudflare but for domains that I own. Therefore I have my own certs and can’t quite figure out how to get the Let’sEncrypt info out of the build completely.

I know it should be jumping out at me, but alas, after two days, I can’t and Chrome doesn’t like conflicting certs.


I have the error with the gcloud cmd step:

root@bitwarden:/media/root/home/<google account name/bitwarden_gcloud/utilities# gcloud compute instances add-metadata bitwarden –metadata-from-file Did you mean zone [us-west2-a] for instance: [bitwarden] (Y/n)? Y ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instances.add-metadata) Could not fetch resource:

  • Insufficient Permission: Request had insufficient authentication scopes. root@bitwarden:/media/root/home//bitwarden_gcloud/utilities#

Anything that I missed?


hi, it seems that currently there’s version incompatibility:

Version in “./docker-compose.yml” is unsupported. You might be seeing this error because you’re using the wrong Compose file version. Either specify a suppor ted version (e.g “2.2” or “3.3”) and place your service definitions under the services key, or omit the version key and place your service definitions at the root of the file to use version 1.


Thank you for this guide. Any possibility you might consider expanding it to optionally add floccus for cross-browser bookmark sync to the same free Google Compute Engine f1-micro instance?


Mine all setup correctly except the fail2ban is blocking the docker ip instead of real ip. How can I change it to block the real ip insted of docker ip?


Thanks for this detailed guide. I’m using Cloudflare as well. Any thoughts about:

  • Obtaining the SSL from Cloudflare directly, instead of Let’s Encrypt, using Edge Certificates and Origin server cert? This would ensure All traffic is routed through CF (full-strict routing).
  • Enforce country Geo blocking at the CF firewall level.
  • It appears Google now charges for both free and ephemeral external IPs, at the same rates ( no more free ephemeral). Make sense to just use a static?

I also ran into an issue with the setup of the VM instance where I had to edit the VM details to allow for HTTP(s) traffic. Check your VM details under the Firewalls section and ensure Allow HTTP and HTTPS are checked. Otherwise stop and edit those settings.

For some reason the network tags as suggested didn’t seem to apply these changes.

Once I did this I was in business. It may be worth adding to the setup info for the instance or possibly updating the creation command to do it by default

Ninad Phadke

This was awesome! I did face an issue after a month or so where the disc essentially was overwhelmed by the logs that were getting created.

For now, I add these lines to each of the services in docker-compose.yml

      driver: "json-file"
       max-file: "5"
       max-size: "10m"

I hope this does the trick.


Hi. I got an error. “ERROR: for proxy Cannot start service proxy: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint proxy (13e2acebedfe3956714500defaeeb3f22f519703fb6d4ff4ef57df18505dec60): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use” Could you please help me?


Recently, the cloud compute engine agreement changes, it seems to me it has added cost to create a compute engine. The SKU description for it is “Network Inter Zone Egress”. Is my setup wrong or did they really change how they charge ?

David Robarts

I used the following lines in ddclient.conf to get the VM external IP address information:

cmd='curl -sS -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google"'

This was up and working for me for a few months, even after the migration to the newer VM type a few weeks ago. So first I’d like to say thanks for a great guide, this has been super helpful and useful for me.

But I just noticed a couple days ago that my local clients aren’t syncing. I checked the GC console and saw that the VM was shut down. I logged into it, and it had me using a different user (same username as before but with “_gmail_com” appended). The old user was there and all the bitwarden_cloud repo files were there, but I couldn’t even su to that user anymore. I moved the files to the new user’s home dir, fixed perms, and started everything up again. Now when I hit the web site I get an SSL error (NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID).

I don’t see anything in the caddy/proxy logs that looks wrong or like any kind of error at all, and in bitwarden_gcloud/caddy/data/caddy/certificates/ I have a valid cert from letsencrypt. I’ve even removed the cert files and restarted and caddy gets new certs issued. I don’t understand why caddy isn’t serving up the legit letsencrypt certs it’s getting?


I should note that the one negative-looking log message for caddy was that it wasn’t super happy about the format of the Caddyfile. I ran “caddy fmt” and used the resulting output, although the only changes to it were whitespace.

Also, when I say it’s not serving up the letsencrypt cert, it is serving up a self-signed cert, with just the external IP address of the VM as its domain. If I enter https:// in my browser and then "accept the security risks [from a cert with an unknown issuer] and continue", I get a Forbidden error. Also, it seems that ever since I started the VM back up, I am able to sync with the Android app (or at least, it's not giving me errors), but the MacOS desktop client still fails to sync.


Thanks for your work on this. FYI. Although getting the DDNS configured correctly was a pain, I eventually got everything working well except for the backup. “line 130: sqlite3: not found”. Either I didn’t follow the directions closely or sqlite isn’t automatically configured any longer with this process.

Niklas Schlögel

First of all: Thank you for this guide and repo. I have issues with Let’s Encrypt though. I am also using Cloudflare (ddclient worked so far) and want to use auto-encryption. Ports 80 and 443 are enabled in the GCP firewall settings and I don’t know what I am missing. I get errors like “no solvers available for remaining challenges” or “problem”:{“type”:”urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized”,”title”:””,”detail”:”Invalid response from [2606:4700:3033::ac43:914e]: "<!DOCTYPE html>\n\n<!–[if IE 7]> <html class=\"no-js "”,”instance”:””,”subproblems”:[]}}” and finally some rate limiting error message. Please be so kind and help me somebody. I see that recent questions got ignored, but I thought, I’ll give it a shot.


Hi, thanks for this wonderful instruction. Works for me, but I have a really strange behaviour: When the System is running for ~ 1 day, the System freeze. This means Bitwarden is not accessible and the compute engine also cannot access by ssh. In Google Cloud console, the CPU and IOPS remain on a really high level. (I’m not an expert in Cloud stuff like monitoring) Any ideas?


Hi Oliver - are you on the latest ‘free tier’ product (was f1-micro, now e2-micro)? Run docker ps and make sure you don’t have more docker containers running than you should. Beyond that, I’m not sure. Take a look at the CPU history. As a reference, my CPU hovers around 20%, spiking up to 30% occasionally. As a last resort, you could blow it away and start over with a backup of your bitwarden database. Good luck .


I went through these instructions, thank you by the way, but I still can’t manage to get it to work. It appears to be running but it’s not connecting. HTTP and HTTPS are firewall allowed and I can SSH. Either trying to connect via hostname or IP no work.

Is there anything I can check, look for?



I would look at the docker logs - once you start it all up, try docker compose logs -f and see what sorts of errors pop up. I suspect Caddy might have some issues, or the vm isn’t configured correctly to allow traffic in.



I have it working now although I’m not entirely sure what I did to get it working.

I now have to get working on backups. I’ve implemented a static IP with google and am using Cloudflare’s firewall to limit access to my country.


Hi, thank you for the repository!

I’ve question regarding the ddns. If I stop and start the VM, will the ddns automatically detect the new IP? or do we need to restart the docker container? Thanks!

Dave Peck

Hi. Thanks for all your hard work with this project.

I’ve noticed that Bitwarden now have an official “Unified” installation (currently in beta) that has very lightweight system requirements (min 200Mb RAM and 1Gb storage).

More information here …

I would have thought that this would run on the Google Cloud free tier. Would it be possible for you to take a look at the documentation and comment on the possibility of using your project to run the Bitwarden Unified release?

I don’t think that I have the necessary technical expertise to attempt this myself so would greatly appreciate your thoughts on the matter.


I added this to my notes, but I think it might be worth mentioning in this guide for those that might not be technically inclined.

Restore Backups

In order to restore backups, download or provide the archive file and unarchive it in the /bitwarden folder.

Because compose mounts the vaultwarden /data folder from {$PWD}/bitwarden, we use this folder to restore data.


Google Chrome Extension Error now occuring when attempting to log-in.

Error message “Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘iterations’)” appears, the client doesn’t allow to log in.

I have tried rebooting the instance and no improvement. Logged in instances seem to still work.

Google suggests ensuring one is on the latest version of vaultwarden sorts it, I assume I am but how can I check this?


I have no issues with the Firefox plugin, and I just logged in to the Edge version (I don’t have Chrome installed) with no issues. Here is the version information from the Edge plugin, assuming it’s the same as Chrome:

Bitwarden Inc. 2015-2023

Version: 2023.8.3

Server version (Third-party): 1.29.2
Connected to third-party server implementation, Vaultwarden. Please verify bugs using the official server, or report them to the third-party server.

How can check my vaultwarden instance to ensure it’s fully up to date?

I will investigate the client with other browsers are report back.

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